nan 英语 · 2010 · 英国 · 纪录片
Jeremy Wade
Biologist and extreme angler, Jeremy Wade, is on the hunt for freshwater fish with a taste for human flesh. Jeremy travels the globe risking life and limb, to investigate freshwater mysteries and uncover the truth about the dark secrets of our planet's rivers.
nan 英语 · 2021 · 美国 · 纪录片
At the dawn of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, New York was one of the cities where infection rates exploded and the morality rate skyrocketed. The First Wave follows the stories of people who faced grave situations caused by the Corona virus, and the doctors and nurses who tried their best to save lives in New York hospitals from March to June of 2020. Matthew Heineman shows th...
nan 德语 · 2013 · 德国 · 纪录片
亚历山大·沙莫,Peter Matic,雷吉娜·弗里奇
'Charlemagne' recounts the dramatic, violent and bawdy lie of the Middle Ages' most important emperor: His life as a political strategist, a passionate lover, a man that conquered most of Europe and a cultural visionary. The mix of feature film and documentary gives a journey to the roots of European culture.
nan 汉语普通话 · 2022 · 中国大陆 · 纪录片
由天津市委宣传部、市文化和旅游局、西青区委联合出品,天津华光纪录影视传媒有限公司摄制,展现天津历史文化的人文纪录片《过年的画》,将于2月12日至16日每天20:00在央视纪录频道《特别呈现》时段播出,次日8:59重播。 纪录片《过年的画》讲述的是天津市第一批国家级非物质文化遗产“杨柳青木版年画”前世今生的故事,呈现了一代代杨柳青年画的守望者和与之结缘的人物故事,反映了天津地域文化的特有魅力,展现了杨柳青年画的文化价值、美学价值和传播价值。该片共5集,每集50分钟,分别为《岁岁年年》《点染丹青》《画里新风》《老城味道》《年画回家》。 这部纪录片的主创团队,是创作了纪录片《五大道》和《有个学校叫南开》等优秀作品的著名导演祖光及其团队。该片历时两年创作完成,思想深刻,内容扎实,故事生动,人物鲜活,4K超高清制作,影像高品质,表达国际化,是一部思想性、艺术性...
nan 英语 · 2021 · 美国 · 纪录片
The HISTORY Channel’s hit survival series “Alone” is back like never before and taking place in the most dangerous location yet. In Season 8, 10 contestants fight to survive in the Canadian wilderness on the shores of Chilko Lake, British Columbia. Equipped with just 10 items and a camera kit, each participant must survive in total isolation, with the hopes of lasting the longe...
nan · 2019 · 中国台湾 · 纪录片
双脚小儿麻痹的阿龙原本准备孤老一生,但坚持为他组成家庭的母亲,花费不少金钱及心力,从越南带回了阿紫。阿紫是爸爸最疼的女儿,生长在贫穷的越南农村,为了家人的生存,她同意嫁到台湾。阿龙知道阿紫为了家庭存续,牺牲了自己的一切,但家人的歧视和控制不住的脾气,让两人渐行渐远,在这个没有期待的海边小村,被捆绑的两人日复一日,没有尽头。 为了完成家庭的束缚与期待,需要付出多大的代价?导演以阿龙和阿紫为中心,辐射出台湾社会潜在的传统价值观,迫于上一代的压力娶妻生子,在没有感情的基础下,与新住民的联姻造就无数破碎的家庭,以及单亲的下一代,最初要遵循的传统,反倒岌岌可危。
nan 日语 · 2016 · 日本 · 剧情片
nan 英语 · 2020 · 澳大利亚Australia,德国,美国 · 纪录片
Five years after his first documentary, award-winning producer/director Torsten Hoffmann revisits Bitcoin and sets out to explore the evolution of the blockchain industry and its new promise. Can this technology, designed to operate independent of trust and within a decentralized network, really provide a robust alternative to the Internet as we know it?
nan 日语,西班牙语 · 2022 · 日本,墨西哥,美国 · 纪录片
“More Than Robots” follows four teams of teenagers from around the world as they prepare for the 2020 FIRST? Robotics Competition. Get to know teams from Los Angeles, Mexico City and Chiba, Japan as they work towards the goal of taking their unique designs all the way to the highly competitive global championships. Although they are faced with overcoming challenges along the wa...