7.0 英语 · 1964 · 美国 · 恐怖片
The lady is Mrs. Hilyard, a wealthy poetess who lives in a three-story city mansion and her cage is her elevator, which stops a dozen feet short of the main floor due to an electrical failure on a July 4th weekend. She rings her outside alarm, eventually noticed by a drunken derelict, who breaks into the house, ignores her plight and helps himself to various items and alcohol. He leaves with his loot but returns a while later with a plump prostitute and three teenage hoodlums, who proceed to terrorize Mrs. Hilyard as they wreck her home.
nan 英语 · 1984 · 美国 · 美剧天堂
《女作家与谋杀案》是一部非常著名且持续时间很久的美国经典侦探剧集。这部剧集共12季264集,从1984年开始在美国CBS电视台一直播放至1996年,之后又于1997年至2003年间陆续推出四部电视电影。Angela Lansbury扮演主角推理小说家兼业余侦探Jessica Flectcher,她在50岁左右失去了丈夫, 却成为了一名非常成功的推理小说作家,并且没有让成功冲昏头脑,拒绝了声望和金钱的诱惑,住在缅因州一个叫Cabot Cove的安逸的沿海小镇,和自己的老朋友们保持来往。在大部分剧集里,Jessica总能卷入一些离奇谋杀案的调查。警察们总是把表面上看来嫌疑很大的人抓走,而Jessica却觉得凶手另有其人。通过向每个嫌疑人询问一些其他人都想不到的问题,她总能找到真正的凶手,并在每集最后五分钟与之对峙,通过自己的推理指出对方的罪行。一部分凶手...